Call to Action: Support VOCA
CALL TO ACTION! Federal funding for victim services has declined dramatically, and if California does not step in to provide funding, domestic violence service providers and other victim services will experience steep across-the-board cuts to their budget that will directly impact survivors’ ability to access the safety and healing they need and deserve. Learn more.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please share this video on your social media platforms, tag your legislators, use hashtags #CABudget and #CALeg, and urge them to fund VOCA with $200 million this year.
Please also contact your legislative offices and encourage them to include money in the state budget to support VOCA by accessing the easy advocacy tool.
What Is VOCA?
The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 12, 1984, establishing the Crime Victims’ Fund. Millions of dollars are deposited annually into the fund from criminal fines, penalties, forfeited bail bonds, and special assessments collected by the federal government. Crime Victims Fund dollars don’t come from taxpayers. They come from people or corporations convicted of federal crimes.
The Crime Victims’ Fund releases a set amount each year based on a cap set by the federal appropriations bill. States apply each year for these funds via the VOCA Formula Grant Program. States then re-grant VOCA Victim Assistance funds to eligible public and nonprofit organizations/victim service providers within their state.