Fight for Survivors
Welcome to the forefront of advocacy for survivors. At the heart of our mission is a simple yet powerful belief: Put survivors first!
How You Can Help
Spread The Word
Utilize this page to grab engaging social media posts, powerful visuals, customizable scripts, and more tools to help spread the word. Together, let's urge Governor Newsom to include provisions for VOCA Funding in his budget, ensuring essential resources for survivors and communities in need."
Scripts & Talking Points
Who: Assemblymember
Why: If they haven’t signed on, urge them to do so
"I’m calling on behalf of Partners Against Violence to urge [Assemblymember X] to sign on to our budget request letter to allocate up to $200 million to sustain victims’ services programs this year. The request is being championed by Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes. For more information, you can connect directly with her office."
By The Numbers
Due to a reduction in federal funds from the Office of Victims of Crime, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services is implementing a 44.7% reduction in funding to crime victim services
As just a small sample of the services that VOCA makes possible in California, in FY 21-22, these funds supported Services for 46,461 individuals experiencing sexual violence, served by California’s Rape Crisis Centers.
These documents are crucial in our fight for funding for victims because they serve as powerful tools to advocate for the resources needed to support survivors of crime.
Partners Against Violence VOCA Funding Press Release (May 14, 2024)
VOCA Advocate Letter (May 14, 2024)
AB 1956 Budget Letter (March 8, 2024)
VOCA Funding Request Letter (May 7, 2024)
VOCA Funding Cuts – Impacts to California Survivors of Crime
AB 2432 – Funding Victims Services Through Corporate Accountability Fact Sheet
VOCA PSA Advocate
made by The California VOCA Advocacy Alliance
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Cuts to victim services are coming at a time when demand is higher than ever - our state cannot turn its back on survivors of crime. We need $200 million in ongoing funding and California must step in to support our safety net. Survivors deserve to know when they call for help, the phone will be answered.